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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/06/18

6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, June 18, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following CZC’S:
Parcel ID: 0125-0044-0000 15 Dewey Beach Road Harry & Maureen Snow
        Parcel ID: 0133-0063-0010 14 Lake Ave. Sandra Chandonnet
Parcel ID: 0144-0025-0000 71 Emily Lane Mark & Amy Scamman by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit:
Parcel ID: 0144-0025-0000 71 Emily Lane Mark & Amy Scamman by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following DENIED TAX EXEMPTION:
        Parcel ID: 0133-0024-0000 Main Street Lake Sunapee Protective Association
by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following PROPERTY TAX CREDIT:
        Parcel ID: 0134-0010-0000 223 Lake Ave. Wesley Hague Rev. Trust
by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following PROPERTY TAX REFUND:
        Parcel ID: 0146-0011-0000 15 Turtleback Road Robert Donoghue
        Parcel ID: 0106-0024-0000 1230 Route 11 Christopher MacDonald
        Parcel ID: 0134-0017-0000 245 Lake Ave. Paula M. Pietras
        Parcel ID: 0133-0020-0000 49 Main Street 350 Enterprises LLC
        Parcel ID: 0120-0019-0000 23 Scott’s Cove Nemcovich
        Parcel ID: 0225-0018-0000 99 Youngs Hill Road Alan & Cherianne Bergeron
        Parcel ID: 0146-0056-0000 326 Bay Point Road Craig &Cynthia Callahan
        Parcel ID: 0127-0009-0000 141 Lake Ave. Michael Reddy
        Parcel ID: 0128-0046-0000 40 Garnet Street Timothy & Judith Zappala
        Parcel ID: 0234-0033-0000 38 New Province Road Natalie & David Stanizzi
        Parcel ID: 0120-0031-0000 37 Rocky Road Ruedig ET AL-DENIED
        Parcel ID: 0120-0030-0000 31 Rocky Rd Peter & Thomas Kraeger-DENIED
        Parcel ID: 0120-0032-0000 51 Rocky Road Bridge Realty Trust-DENIED
Parcel ID: 0119-0013-0000 29 Fairway Drive Nicholas & Yankovskava Sink-DENIED
Parcel ID: 0209-0013-0000 41 Coventry Drive Todd & Joanna Drummond-DENIED
by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor

Van Webb Chairman Conservation Commission
Van Webb wanted to introduce a project the Conservation Commission has been working on the past couple of months and will go on for another twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months. It will be a major conservation imitative in the Wendell Marsh area. The area under consideration consists of three hundred and thirty-two (332) undeveloped acres from Wendell March at Route 11 north to Ryder Corner Road. It includes six (6) parcels owned by four (4) different homeowners. The two northern parcels, one abutting Ryder Corner Road, are currently owned by Jolyon Johnson. The two (2) parcels directly south of the Johnson land are owned by MRT Investment and Development. The marsh itself is owned by Bruce Jennings and a twelve (12) acre parcel just north of the march is owned by the Sugar River Bank. Van Webb would like to come in periodically to update the Board on the progress of the project. With this project the Conservation Commission has also been doing some research with Donna Nashawaty on how some of the trust funds are expended. The Conservation Commission has never used the trust funds since Van Webb has been on the Commission. Donna Nashawaty stated that the Trustees of the Trust Fund are the “keepers” of the trust funds and report to the Secretary of the State and give the town a report at yearend. Donna Nashawaty went on to say it is very unclear to her what the purpose of the specific trust fund is and what can be spent because she does not have the records or files, the Trustees of the Trust Funds do. Van Webb asked if the Trustees of the Trust Fund would have records as to how the Bartlett Tyler Trust Fund was set-up and how you get expended it? Donna Nashawaty replied yes, but sometimes you have to go to the Secretary of the State for clarification if you can’t find the original documents. The Conservation Commission proposes that the Town and Commission work towards the goals of purchasing these properties for public benefit and placing conservation easements on them with the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust. Van Webb reviewed the many benefits to the public and to the Town itself. Van Webb stated that Jolyon Johnson is very interested in selling this parcel to the town and is going to make quite a financial contribution to the project by selling it under market value. The Conservation Commission is having the ninety-seven (97) and forty-seven (47) parcels appraised and expects to have a value sometime in August. In Van Webb’s opinion, the Johnson appraisal will be an indicator as to the value of the other parcels and without a current appraisal, a rough estimate of the cost of conserving all the parcels, including associated expenses, could range from $550,000-$850,000, depending on the appraised value of the parcels. As of May 31, 2012, the Conservation Commission fund balance total is $326,066.80, which is a little short, but there are some grants available, LCHIP funds and other conservation avenues for raising the necessary funds to support this project. The Conservation Commission may pursue a warrant article at the March 2013 town meeting to see if voters would approve the expenditure of funds for a town forest conservation project. Selectman Gottling asked if the Conservation Commission did a warrant article would it be to expend the money from the conservation fund or would it be to the town appropriating money in addition? Van Webb replied that it would be the town appropriating money in addition. Selectman Gottling asked how much that would envision? Van Webb was not sure of the amount at this time.
The Conservation will develop the numbers and do some budget work and will try to be creative with some funding options and then the Conservation Commission would approach the Board of Selectmen with a figure or would tell the Board the project is not doable. Chairman Gallup stated that the Board could not commit at this time to $375,000, but might be able to commit to $100,000 to finish the deal. But, it just depends on what things are like at budget time, other major expenses, the economy, etc. Chairman Gallup went on to say that the Board new this was simmering in the background, especially after Jolyon Johnson purchased the parcels. Chairman Gallup thinks it’s a good project. Van Webb asked if conceptually this project is something the Board could support. Chairman Gallup replied yes. Van Webb will come back to update the Board in July or August.                

Public Comments
•Van Webb wanted to commend Tony Bergeron on the great job his guys did on Harding Hill Road, it looks great.
•Van Webb wanted to know if the town was going to do anything regarding the poison ivy on roadside, Stagecoach Road is getting pretty bad. Donna Nashawaty stated that the town does not have a poison ivy removal program.  

Selectmen Action
•Motion to sign the Lake Sunapee Bank Loan Modification agreement to change the principal payment date from July to January by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.
•Chairman Gallup Read into the record the resignation of Bruce Burdett from the Conservation Commission. Motion to accept the resignation of Bruce Burdett from the Conservation Commission by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectmen Gottling.
•Motion to sign the NH Co-op Pole License on Hilltop Road by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor.
•Donna Nashawaty received an email from Karin Spanos asking to “forgive” the lost transfer station decal fee. Donna Nashawaty explained the transfer station decal process and how decals are logged into the transfer station database. Donna Nashawaty also showed the history of the account. Chairman Gallup said that maybe a simple solution would be that everyone would sign when they received a new decal. Donna Nashawaty stated that she wanted to make sure an error was not made and believes in the research there was no error. The consensus of the Board was that without additional information they would not “forgive” the lost decal fee. Donna Nashawaty will write a letter to Karin Spanos.      

Chairman Report
Chairman Gallup said that since the fireworks ordinance was finished at the last meeting and since there was some discussion regarding the noise ordinance and Selectman Hastings thought it was a better way to go, should the Board review, discuss and maybe update the noise ordinance. After the last meeting, Selectman Trow researched what other towns have for a noise ordinance and it seems like a standard cut and dry form that most towns use. Donna Nashawaty will ask Chief David Cahill to come to the next meeting to discuss some examples of noise ordinances in other towns. Selectman Trow will print some of the noise ordinances from other towns and bring them to the next meeting.
Selectman Gottling asked if the town had any ordinances in town regarding skateboarding and do they come under the bicycles? Chairman Gallup responded that would be a question for Chief David Cahill.

Town Manager
•Library Closing Update-slight glitch, the deeds are not transferred yet.
•Donna Nashawaty completed the sessions with the Local Government revenue committee to try to put together the legislative actions for municipally in the coming year.
•Donna Nashawaty just attended the annual Manager’s Conference in Keene.
•Sugar River Bank Wastewater closing is scheduled for July 16th at 7:00PM.
•USDA Training is tomorrow Holly Leonard and Lynne Wiggins will be attending.
•Town received a very good DOT Bridge Inspections report.
•Donna Nashawaty stated that we need to find Planning and Zoning Board committee alternates. Donna Nashawaty will advertise on website and newspaper.  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:26PM
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman              Emma Smith, Vice Chairman               

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow